How Often to Renew Your Bedding and Towels for a Fresh Start

January 05, 2024

In the midst of Singapore's dynamic lifestyle, it's easy to overlook the TLC our home essentials deserve. When was the last time you thought about giving your pillows, quilts, and towels the attention they need? If it's been a while, perhaps it's time to hit refresh!

Bed Sheets

Tencel Luxe Fitted Sheet Set

Seeking a guide to help you keep your sheets in top-notch condition?

When to hit refresh: Wash every 1–2 weeks

Optimal frequency is once a week, but if you're prone to allergies, tend to feel the heat at night, or share your bed with furry friends, consider washing them every few days.

When to consider a change:

While some of our products are covered by a 3-year warranty, if your sheets have reached the end of their lifespan, consider the eco-friendly option of upcycling!

We recommend:


Robinsons Premium Bolster Hypoallergenic Core Collection

On the lookout for a pillow that won't become a pain in the neck? Your relationship with your pillow is one of the most supportive ones in your life, so it's crucial to ensure it meets all your needs.

When to consider a change: Every 2 years

Maintain a healthy relationship with your pillow. Swapping it out every 2 years ensures you avoid unnecessary discomfort and pain.

We recommend:


Robinsons Premium Quilt Hypoallergenic Core Collection

Money can't buy love, but it can buy 5-star comfort. Our top tip – invest in not one, but two high-quality quilts. One for the warmer months and one for the cooler ones. Regulating your sleeping temperature is an easy way to guarantee a good night's sleep.

When to consider a change: Every 5 years

We recommend:


Robinsons Luxury Cotton Mattress Protector Hotel Collection

Maximize the lifespan of your mattress by investing in a protector. Safeguarding your most significant bedding investment from night-time nasties is the mattress protector's mission (plus, they're much easier and cost-effective to wash or replace than a mattress).

When to hit refresh: Wash every 2 months

We recommend:

Bath & Hand Towels

Robinsons Egyptian Luxury Large Bath Towel Heritage Collection

Ready to embrace a fresh start with new bath linens? If you want to step out (of the shower) in style, ensure you're treating your towels right.

When to hit refresh: Wash every 2 weeks

Maintain healthy skin by drying off with a fresh towel. If you have allergies or skin conditions, consider washing them more frequently.

When to consider a change:

With proper care, our Robinsons towels should last five years or more! And remember, say no to sharing towels - it's not an open relationship.

When you're ready to part ways, your local animal shelter will appreciate your donation of used (clean!) towels.

We recommend: