We at Viomi are a game changer in the subsector of household appliances and devices. Our mission is to redefine future home by offering IoT smart household living experience.
As the world’s leading innovative developer of comprehensive one-stop solutions for IoT smart household, we are a pioneer to provide a tech platform integrated with hardware, software and service covering full range of home appliances and devices; and on software front, we have proprietary cloud-base AI+5G+IoT tech platform to deliver integrated household connections, interactions and services across hardware and home scenarios.

Our distribution and service networks both online and offline are ever expanding.
We believe IoT smart home represents the future trend of tech-savvy younger generation and the sector’s high growth is anticipated. We at Viomi are committed to keeping innovating and improving our household AI products and technology, and are confident that Viomi will continue to enhance its leading position and expand market share in the coming years.

